21 January 2009

RANDOM: Colour Coding Bikers' Leathers

Okay, I'm tired, there's not much news and I'm off on holiday for a fortnight in a couple of days, so I'm very lazily just posting up something random.
I found an interesting piece of a kind of 'colour psychology' of bikers' leathers on an insurance website...

Beige: Calm, dependable, no fuss biker

Blue: A biker with clear thought, maturity and

Black: This biker requires protection from the
outside world

Gold: Symbolises luxury, top-of-the-range, expense,
sophistication and glamour

Green: Balanced and peaceful. The biker will keep
the machine finely tuned

Grey: Enjoys a well-made, functional machine. Sometimes
has slight low self-confidence

Mauve/Purple: Upmarket biker, but also rather naughty
and self-indulgent.

Orange: A biker who likes physical comfort, pleasure
and sensuality, though opposite to blue

Pink: A maternal biker, loving, nurturing and a
strong assertion of the feminine

Red: The sign of strong and masculine biker, exhilarating
and exciting

Silver: The biker who loves luxury, speed and fine

White: The biker wants uncompromising, clean excellence
and the world to keep away

Yellow: Self-confident and optimistic biker. Fun,
yet more mature than the orange biker

Barring any niggling realities about sponsors' colours, I'd say red suits Bati just fine. ;-)
(*The article does not clarify the meaning of Hector Barbera's "measles' leathers. Nor does it shed any light on Sideshow Bob's blackwhiteredflourescentyellowandafewothercoloursthrownin leathers however. Though we can probably make our own guesses.)

1 comment:

abc said...

LOL random!
I'd say red suits Bati just fine, but also blue was a pretty good fit for him the last few years. :)

And Dovi apparently loves luxury! *giggle* With gold they mistook idiocy and immaturity for sophistication...

And with Sideshow Bob I think we can agree that whatever colour he'll ever wear will always stand for the four F's: Fake, foul, fatuous and full of himself.