05 December 2008

What Would Steve Jobs Say????

I've been asked many things since I got back from Talavera de la Reina... Did you have a good time? Did you get pissed? Did you meet Alvaro? What's the Batster like? Was he nice? How was the big dinner & party evening?
But possibly the thing I've been asked the most is "How old are you???" when people see my newly pimped MacBook Pro. I'll be the first to admit a whiff of the tragic about it, having spent the best part of 20 years refusing to put a single sticker on any of my Macs. I must have just got a bit into the mood of it all :)
The photo was taken with my iPhone which is of course also in danger of getting stickered-up if I get bladdered anytime soon too...



abc said...

You know, there comes a time when there's a bloke who's completely worth to give up 20-year-old habits... ;)

It just shows your "commitment" and Steve Jobs should be damn proud that you use his product to show your support. *lol*

gb said...

>> Steve Jobs should be damn proud that you use his product to show your support <<

I shall remember to point that out to him when he sends me a cobra through the post.... ;)